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We are happy to announce the inaugural NeurIPS 2024 workshop Creativity & Generative AI: A dialogue between machine learning researchers and creative professionals. In the wake of a disruptive year of advances in generative AI, we are bringing together the two communities for much-needed conversation.

We will provide a forum to voice the concerns and proposals of creative professionals, highlight existing efforts and jump-start new initiatives to empower creative communities, and foster mutual understanding and collaboration. Speakers and participants will include people who have a technical background in machine learning, as well as creative professionals who can speak to their experiences with generative AI.

The workshop will include:

The workshop will take place in Vancouver, Canada. We are currently exploring options for virtual participation.

Important Dates

We have extended the submission deadline for papers and creative work (previously September 2).

Event Date
Submission Deadline September 12, 2024
Final Decisions October 9, 2024
Workshop Date December 14, 2024


The following schedule is tentative and will be confirmed closer to the workshop:

Time Topic Speaker(s)/Presenter(s)
9:00-9:15 Intro  
9:15-9:45 Invited Talk 1 TBA
9:45-10:15 Invited Talk 2 TBA
10:15-10:45 In Conversation TBA
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break  
11:00-12:00 Contributed Talks (4x15min) TBA
12:00-14:00 Lunch Break & Poster Session  
14:00-14:30 Invited Talk 3 TBA
14:30-15:00 Invited Talk 4 TBA
15:00-15:30 Invited Talk 5 TBA
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break  
16:00-17:00 Panel Discussion TBA
17:00-18:00 Round Table Discussions TBA

Keynote Speakers

Ted Chiang (Credit: Alan Berner)
Ted Chiang
Ted Chiang is an American science fiction writer. His work has won four Nebula awards, four Hugo awards, the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, and six Locus awards. He has published the short story collections Stories of Your Life and Others (2002) and Exhalation: Stories (2019). His short story "Story of Your Life" was the basis of the film Arrival (2016). He is also a technical writer and frequent non-fiction contributor to The New Yorker magazine, especially on topics in computing such as artificial intelligence.
Anna Huang
Anna Huang
Computer Science
Google DeepMind
Anna Huang is a Research Scientist at Magenta in Google DeepMind, specializing in generative models and human-AI partnerships in music creation. She developed Coconet, powering Google's first AI Doodle, and Music Transformer, a pioneering model for long-term music generation. She holds a Canada CIFAR AI Chair at Mila, serves as an adjunct professor at the University of Montreal, and has been involved in the AI Song Contest. Her research focuses on designing interactive generative AI systems to enhance music creation, emphasizing interpretability, explainability, and social reinforcement learning.




Yaim Cooper
Yaim Cooper
University of Notre Dame
Holden Lee
Holden Lee
Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Johns Hopkins University
Hugo Berard
Hugo Berard
Computer Science
UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape, University of Montréal


Ken Liu
Ken Liu
Nicholas Vincent
Nicholas Vincent
Computer Science
Simon Fraser University
Erin Gee (Credit: Elody Libe)
Erin Gee
University of Montréal

Call for Papers and Creative Work

The submission portal for both calls is here.

Call for Papers

We invite participants to submit 2-page papers in the NeurIPS camera-ready format (with author names visible) at our submission portal by 11:59pm September 12, AoE. References and any supplementary materials provided do not count as part of the 2-page limit. However, it will be at the reviewers’ discretion to read the supplementary materials.

We invite both technical contributions related to building tools aligned with the values and needs of creative professionals, as well as perspectives on broader issues in the field. Here is a non-exhaustive list of topics:

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for and attend the workshop. Authors of accepted papers are invited to present a poster on their work in the poster session. A small number of papers may be selected for an invited talk.

Submissions that have appeared in the main NeurIPS 2024 conference are allowed. Otherwise, submissions cannot have previously appeared in conferences or journals. Accepted papers will appear on the workshop website, but the workshop will not have official proceedings.

Call for Creative Work

We invite creative submissions of all forms, including (and not limited to) visual art, writing, music, film, games, mathematics, and performance, that critically engage with the use of AI in creative endeavors. The work itself can be generated with or without AI tools, and can be “proof-of-concept”. We especially look for work that puts generative AI in context within the creative process, shows new ways of collaborating creatively with AI, and sparks conversation about our relationship with AI. Artwork will be judged based on both artistic merit and on thematic relevance. Submit at our submission portal by 11:59pm September 12, AoE.

While registration is required to attend the workshop, it will not be required to have accepted artwork. A small number of creators may be selected to give an invited talk.

If your work is selected for inclusion in the program, you grant us non-exclusive rights to publish and reproduce the artwork. By submitting, you affirm that you are the author of the work and have the authority to grant these rights (inasmuch as possible given possible AI-assisted creation).

All submissions will be considered for a up to $200 prize to recognize outstanding contributions to the exploration of AI in art.

Please indicate whether the work has previously appeared in other venues (including online) or is currently being reviewed elsewhere. We will prioritize original submissions which have not previously appeared in other venues.

Submissions should consist of the following, placed within a single .zip folder of at most 100MB:

If you are not able to submit your piece conforming to the above format, please get in touch with us with a description of your work, and we can arrange an alternative way for you to submit. For example, we may ask you to submit a link if it is an interactive piece hosted on a web server. Submissions not adhering to the above guidelines will be accepted only when cleared with us.


Contact the organizers at